Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is Art? What is History?

Sometimes when I'm browsing the internet I find something and wonder if its art. What is art? Is it a piece of something that one makes when she feels a certain way and therefore creates something. There are a lot of somethings int hat statement, and its so broad. If that's the case it could be anything. Movies are art. Computers are art. When I do my hair every morning its a form of art. What isn't art?? That's the key: Everything is art and we are all artists in a diverse world full of art. 

With that being said that means I can post just about anything to my blog because EVERYTHING is art......as long as it connects to history.

So then what is history??
Anything that is in the past. So a million years ago.....a hundred years ago.....a decade ago......yesterday......two seconds ago....

So basically anything I were to put on my blog is art and it is history also. So I guess that gives me free permission to post anything.

Glad we got that cleared up :)

Hope you look forward to seeing EVERYthing on my blog because I can put anything. This may seem random, but title isn't very specific now is it. The Art of History is basically anything and everything to which I think the world should know about....well at least the few followers I have, but that's okay.

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