Thursday, October 27, 2011

Meiji Era of Japan

The Meiji Era had some major successes which made Japan the western world it is today. 

One of the First events to take place was the Charter Oath of 1868. This gave the emperor back his power and declared Japan would be sending out people to other parts of the world. Basically Japan says we are going to go to other countries and learn all that they know and use it. This gives Japan an upper hand because they didn't have to pay or take the time to develop the technologies and powers which western countries had to pay for and take time to develop. 

Then the next step in this process is Westernization. This is jump started through the Iwakura Mission in 1871. The Iwakura Mission sent out selected Japanese people to learn about other countries. The Japanese were welcomed in other countries, not so they could take their information and technologies, but so the other countries could "show off" to the Japanese. The mood of the Japanese wasn't what would be expected of a country which was so far behind in technology and modern ideas. The Japanese were optimistic and confident. Being optimistic and confident will stay with the Japanese for many years to follow. 

Another major change to occur in the Meiji Era which was a success. The complete social order is dumped. A major change to the social order of Confucianism depended on education. In the Tokugawa Era the social order was based on Confucianism which depends very much on education. Now during the Meiji Era education was going to be equal to everyone, which is very different from Confucian ideas on education. If everyone is equal then everybody should be equal when trying to rule. Sow ho rules? This changes as well. 

They created a government similar to the West's structure. There would be the emperor at the top and the Prime Minister below him with the Diet below the Prime Minister. The diet was voted in by males paying taxes of 15 yen or more. The Diet consisted of an upper and lower house. Similar to having a senate and legislature. 

Another accomplishment of the Meiji Era is the Family State Ideology. A new nationalism. The idea of respect and education. Peopel are very comfortable with this, which allows the government to be more radical with other aspects. Along with Shinto being declared the national religion. 

Many things changed in the Meiji Era. Tokugawa rule ended which had lasted for more than 200 years. The social order completely was dissolved which was based on Confucian values. Land surveys were redone. Samurai status changed completely. 
The people of Japan were stuck in the middle of a modernizing world having to make the decision whether to advance the modernization or go back to their traditional values. This was a time of rapid social change, up-rootededness, and emotional stress. Which has made Japan what it is today. 

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