Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The piece of art I'm about ready to try to connect to history will give me somewhat of a challenge. Believe me it does connect with history though. 
The movie 50/50 featuring Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen  is a piece of art. The movie provokes laughter and tears all while the main character, Adam, considers himself to be dieing of cancer.

What was so funny was the little comments made throughout the whole show. Kyle, Adam's best friend, constantly using Adam to hook up with chicks. Which was very funny, or how awkward the psychologist was. The part that made me laugh the most is during Adam's first chemotherapy session. He sits in a chair beside two older men who also have cancer. They offer him macaroons, Adam declines. They insist he really should have some, and he still declines. They finally let him in on why they are so good, they have pot in them. Well obviously he takes a few cookies after that, obvious because one of the stereotypes of cancer is gettin high. So he sits there with two old guys high. When he leaves the hospital after his first session of chemotherapy he has one of the biggest smiles on his face throughout the entire movie. That sets the scene for the rest of the movie, it is sad, but somehow turned into a positive light.

The parts which made me cry I will not tell. You should see for yourself :)  It might not be exactly what is expected neither.

How does this connect to history? Well it shows a change in a society, the American society, and how cancer is viewed. Although it represents something much more than cancer.

By this I mean the change in what movies have done. I'm not going to look at each decade. I will consider movies such as Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mockingbird. Those movies were from the mid-twentieth century and focused on topics of how the United States was changing. While some movies today still bring our attention to matters changing within society or events for which we should be informed about; most focus on stories which bring about emotion to entertain the audience.

I believe this movie is a representation completely of the movies created today. Which differ very greatly from the movies we watched fifty years ago.

This is a good watch for anybody who needs hope, not just cancer victims and their community.
this is the hash tag where inspiration can be found!  #BeatTheOdds

I really enjoyed the movie, and I hope you do as well!

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